Hey jammers!
There is an imposter.
Of my friend, Tech66
He says this is is NINTH imposter.
There is an imposter.
Of my friend, Tech66
He says this is is NINTH imposter.
And this is Tech66.
If your're an impersonator, STOP IMPERSONATING PLEASE!
A lot of people impersonate just to get attention and get on blog and ect.
And this is Tech66's NINTH impersonator. Give him a break!!! He is not even a blogger.
I don't know WHY people impersonate, It's annoying and mean. Impersonating gets you NO WHERE.
This isn't to everyone who reads my blog, it's to the impersonators. Sorry about that.
But please, just stop!
I am sorry for all you people out there you get imposters. I know, they must be annoying.
If your're not an imposter,
Happy jamming!!
Hey KiddyPool! Cheese34 here, and I must say, your blog is AWESOME! Your layout is organized, and u don't go around on your blog saying, "Report So And So, they wouldn't trade me back!" I will now read this AWESOME blog anytime you post!